Driving in Fog
Weather can have a tremendous impact on driving safety. January is typically the foggiest month in the US and Canada.
If you have the choice, don’t drive in foggy conditions. The safest option is to delay your trip until weather conditions improve.
If you must drive in foggy conditions, remember the following:
Slow down and allow extra time to get where you’re going. Turn off your cruise control.
Make sure your lights are on, so you are visible to others in front of you and behind you. Do NOT turn on your high beams since they create extra glare.
Make sure you create adequate space between your vehicle and the vehicles around you, including those in front, behind and next to you.
Use the road line markers (both right and left) to help you stay in your lane.
If the fog is extremely dense, with little or no visibility, get off the road altogether, park, and put on your hazard lights. If you are not able to get off the road, pull off to the side as far as possible, put on your hazards, turn off your lights, and put on your parking brake.
Driving is dangerous enough without worrying about extreme weather conditions. Avoid driving in fog as much as possible.